------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can find the history of cymatics and the first cymatic instrument here
Tonmoebel.blogspot.com is an online research database for my final work and diploma project "Tonmoebel| Von Gelsenkirchen nach Houston" at HbK Saar University, Germany.
The German word Tonmöbel is not really translatable into English, for which there is no English word. It is an assembly of Tone and Furniture * . This term was used in the 50ies for those big wooden ancient looking pieces of music furniture with radio, phono, record-changing systems and in most cases an included mini-bar.
My research focuses on many different things, as you can see if you watch the links. It's about New Material, Acoustics, Product Design, the History of German Design of the 50ies, Arts, Synaesthetics, and much more..
* German: Ton | Möbel English Tone| Furniture
If you want to get in touch, feel free to write an email to moritz@thehumants.com
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