Music Furniture| "Massage" Chair
Thomas Demharter, Munich with Sony Ericson Sweden.
>> behance
Cymatics| =Esomatics?
Here's a funny and at some point interessting article about so called SomaEnergetics and the "forgotten" ancient solfeggio. Very esotheric but somehow useful.
Link 1
Link 2 (funny_eso.pdf/ if you want to order your very own solfeggio tuning spork set;)
Here's a funny and at some point interessting article about so called SomaEnergetics and the "forgotten" ancient solfeggio. Very esotheric but somehow useful.
Link 1
Link 2 (funny_eso.pdf/ if you want to order your very own solfeggio tuning spork set;)
Tonmöbel Classics| Vision 2000, Thilo Oerke
"The Beauty of Hi-Fi Design. Unit on left is a Thilo Oerke designed ‘Vision 2000’ stereophonic Hi-Fi system, early 1970s. Acrylic, chrome-plated acrylic, brushed steel. 94 cm. (37 in.) high, 64.5 cm. (25 3/8 in.) diameter Manufactured by Rosita Tonmöbel, Germany. Comprising: radio, cassette player, the swivel base on castors.
On the right, a Verner Panton ‘Wega 3300 Hifi’ stereophonic system, designed 1963, Painted wood, painted metal, chrome-plated metal, brushed aluminium, rubber, plastic 60.5 x 42.5 x 42.5 cm. (23 3/4 x 16 3/4 x 16 3/4 in.) closed. Manufactured by Wega-Radio GmbH, Germany. Together with a pair of associated HMV speakers."
Found via XXX
"The Beauty of Hi-Fi Design. Unit on left is a Thilo Oerke designed ‘Vision 2000’ stereophonic Hi-Fi system, early 1970s. Acrylic, chrome-plated acrylic, brushed steel. 94 cm. (37 in.) high, 64.5 cm. (25 3/8 in.) diameter Manufactured by Rosita Tonmöbel, Germany. Comprising: radio, cassette player, the swivel base on castors.
On the right, a Verner Panton ‘Wega 3300 Hifi’ stereophonic system, designed 1963, Painted wood, painted metal, chrome-plated metal, brushed aluminium, rubber, plastic 60.5 x 42.5 x 42.5 cm. (23 3/4 x 16 3/4 x 16 3/4 in.) closed. Manufactured by Wega-Radio GmbH, Germany. Together with a pair of associated HMV speakers."
Found via XXX
Tonmöbel Classics| Hifi Report 1978
"Frequenzweichen, steilflankig abgestimmt"
SPIEGEL-Redakteur Klaus Umbach über die "HiFi 78" in Düsseldorf
Ein Armaturenbrett Cockpit zu nennen zeugt von Kennerschaft. Ein Händchen für die verwirrende Plantage von Schaltern und Knöpfen links und rechts vom Tachometer macht den Fahrer zum Profi. Cockpit-Lenker sind Leute mit Profi-Look.
In Profi-Look kleidet auch die HiFi-Industrie, der nobelste Zweig der Unterhaltungselektronik, jene Geräte, deren Leistungen nur noch von der Unübersichtlichkeit ihrer Handhabe übertroffen werden.
Eine Woche lang, bis letzten Donnerstag, pilgerte die Klientel solch wohltönender Kraftpakete nach Düsseldorf und dort über 22 365 Quadratmeter Ausstellungsfläche. um ganz Ohr zu sein für DIN 45 500, die Norm des industriellen Schönklangs.
In dieser HiFi-Gemeinde versammeln sich, zur Genugtuung der auf ein kräftiges Absatz-Crescendo hoffenden Gerätebauer, überwiegend Teens und Twens, deren Eltern noch liebevoll Tonmöbel in Chippendale abstaubten. Der Nachwuchs hantiert an seinen Racks. wie die klotzig gestapelten Apparate in Rollgestellen inzwischen genannt werden. Da fummeln die Jünger der integrierten Schaltkreise mit kultischem Vergnügen an ihren Frontplatten in Silver Spot oder Black Focus.
Als unveränderliches Kennzeichen bei ihrer Düsseldorfer Wallfahrt erwies sich die Plastiktüte, in der sie das messianische Kauderwelsch der Industrie ehrfürchtiger herumtrugen als weiland Höcherl das Grundgesetz: die Verheißungen von Slew Rate und Input Level, von Phase-lock-loop-MPX und Dual-Gate-MOS-Feldeffekt-Transistoren.
Eingeweiht sind sie oder geben sie sich, diese Plastiktüten-Träger, in dem babylonisch verschlüsselten Kult um den angeblich vollkommenen, vor allem aber lauten Klang aus der Kiste. Eine Lautsprecher-Box von wenigstens 120 Watt maximaler Belastbarkeit nennen sie wenn nicht ihr eigen, so doch ihr Traumziel, auch wenn dieser Koloß, voll aufgedreht, jedes deutsche Reihenhaus in den Grundfesten erschüttern würde.
Doch allem Fortissimo zum Trotz, mit dem die Branche ihren Dernier cri verbreitete, blieb das rheinische Mekka der Phon-Fetischisten "eine leise Messe", was mir eine Dame vom Informationsstand wie entschuldigend mit auf den Rundweg gab: Tatsächlich fehlte in den sieben Düsseldorfer Hallen praktisch alles, was man gemeinhin Musik nennt.
Nicht nur, daß weder Tschaikowski noch Pink Floyd durch die Säle schwappten -- solch ordinäre Total-Beschallung überlassen die feinen Hi-Fisten dem Konsumentenrummel der Berliner Funkausstellung. Die Batterien von Boxen, mochten sie nun aus geschäumtem Polyurethan gepreßt oder "mit steilflankig abgestimmten Frequenzweichen" veredelt sein, blieben stumm. Ob die "nur fünf Prozent Dachschräge bei Wiedergabe einer 50-Hz-Rechteckwelle" sich auszahlen oder nicht -- der technische Fortschritt, wenn"s denn einer ist, mußte selbst dem geneigtesten Ohr verschlossen bleiben.
Wo eine Firma, um die Güte ihrer Produkte zu demonstrieren, wirklich eine bescheidene schalldichte Ohrenweide hergerichtet hatte, schlugen einem die Pop-Produktionen so knallhart um den Kopf wie in den Diskotheken der Düsseldorfer Altstadt.
Individuelles Lauschen, kritisches Vergleichen, Abwägen, Testen -- neben der Verkaufsabsicht als Zweck einer solchen Messe immerhin denkbar -- waren unmöglich.
Denn da es sich in Düsseldorf nahezu ausschließlich um Apparate im Profi-Look drehte, begann zunächst der Kleinkrieg der Knöpfe, der Schalter, Hebel, Lämpchen und Blinker, deren Sinn sich vielleicht aus einer (nirgends ausliegenden) Gebrauchsanweisung erschlossen hätte, so aber, mit all den englischen Kürzeln, nur Gewieften oder Glückspilzen dämmerte.
Wer schließlich durch leichten Druck irgendeiner Sensortaste oder gefühlvolles Betätigen irgendwelcher Federdruckkontakte ein Kassetten-Deck mit Light Emitting Diods oder ein quarzgesteuertes Plattenlaufwerk mit vergoldeten Kontakten in Gang gesetzt hatte, vernahm nichts: Die Geräte liefen, wenn überhaupt, still vor sich hin. Wohl in Sorge, ihre klangsüchtige Kundschaft könnte die Finger nicht bei sich halten und das Spiel-Zeug in ihren Plastiktüten mitgehen lassen, hatten die Firmen erst gar kein Abhörmaterial bereitgestellt.
So mußte der Interessent denn auch auf enen so simplen Versuch verzichten, ob die Minderung der Gleichlaufschwankungen ihm die wiedergabetechnisch immer noch problematischen Klaviertöne etwa im ersten Satz der "Mondscheinsonate" nun endlich jaulfrei ins Wohnzimmer trägt.
Während die rat- und plattenlose Mehrheit der Besucher schließlich meist mißvergnügt die UKW-Skala der blitzenden Tuner absuchte, kramten die Gläubigsten der HiFi-Gemeinde in ihren Plastiktüten und entnahmen diesen eine Tonkonserve, die sie vorsorglich von daheim mitgebracht hatten.
Found via hifi-forum
"Frequenzweichen, steilflankig abgestimmt"
SPIEGEL-Redakteur Klaus Umbach über die "HiFi 78" in Düsseldorf
Ein Armaturenbrett Cockpit zu nennen zeugt von Kennerschaft. Ein Händchen für die verwirrende Plantage von Schaltern und Knöpfen links und rechts vom Tachometer macht den Fahrer zum Profi. Cockpit-Lenker sind Leute mit Profi-Look.
In Profi-Look kleidet auch die HiFi-Industrie, der nobelste Zweig der Unterhaltungselektronik, jene Geräte, deren Leistungen nur noch von der Unübersichtlichkeit ihrer Handhabe übertroffen werden.
Eine Woche lang, bis letzten Donnerstag, pilgerte die Klientel solch wohltönender Kraftpakete nach Düsseldorf und dort über 22 365 Quadratmeter Ausstellungsfläche. um ganz Ohr zu sein für DIN 45 500, die Norm des industriellen Schönklangs.
In dieser HiFi-Gemeinde versammeln sich, zur Genugtuung der auf ein kräftiges Absatz-Crescendo hoffenden Gerätebauer, überwiegend Teens und Twens, deren Eltern noch liebevoll Tonmöbel in Chippendale abstaubten. Der Nachwuchs hantiert an seinen Racks. wie die klotzig gestapelten Apparate in Rollgestellen inzwischen genannt werden. Da fummeln die Jünger der integrierten Schaltkreise mit kultischem Vergnügen an ihren Frontplatten in Silver Spot oder Black Focus.
Als unveränderliches Kennzeichen bei ihrer Düsseldorfer Wallfahrt erwies sich die Plastiktüte, in der sie das messianische Kauderwelsch der Industrie ehrfürchtiger herumtrugen als weiland Höcherl das Grundgesetz: die Verheißungen von Slew Rate und Input Level, von Phase-lock-loop-MPX und Dual-Gate-MOS-Feldeffekt-Transistoren.
Eingeweiht sind sie oder geben sie sich, diese Plastiktüten-Träger, in dem babylonisch verschlüsselten Kult um den angeblich vollkommenen, vor allem aber lauten Klang aus der Kiste. Eine Lautsprecher-Box von wenigstens 120 Watt maximaler Belastbarkeit nennen sie wenn nicht ihr eigen, so doch ihr Traumziel, auch wenn dieser Koloß, voll aufgedreht, jedes deutsche Reihenhaus in den Grundfesten erschüttern würde.
Doch allem Fortissimo zum Trotz, mit dem die Branche ihren Dernier cri verbreitete, blieb das rheinische Mekka der Phon-Fetischisten "eine leise Messe", was mir eine Dame vom Informationsstand wie entschuldigend mit auf den Rundweg gab: Tatsächlich fehlte in den sieben Düsseldorfer Hallen praktisch alles, was man gemeinhin Musik nennt.
Nicht nur, daß weder Tschaikowski noch Pink Floyd durch die Säle schwappten -- solch ordinäre Total-Beschallung überlassen die feinen Hi-Fisten dem Konsumentenrummel der Berliner Funkausstellung. Die Batterien von Boxen, mochten sie nun aus geschäumtem Polyurethan gepreßt oder "mit steilflankig abgestimmten Frequenzweichen" veredelt sein, blieben stumm. Ob die "nur fünf Prozent Dachschräge bei Wiedergabe einer 50-Hz-Rechteckwelle" sich auszahlen oder nicht -- der technische Fortschritt, wenn"s denn einer ist, mußte selbst dem geneigtesten Ohr verschlossen bleiben.
Wo eine Firma, um die Güte ihrer Produkte zu demonstrieren, wirklich eine bescheidene schalldichte Ohrenweide hergerichtet hatte, schlugen einem die Pop-Produktionen so knallhart um den Kopf wie in den Diskotheken der Düsseldorfer Altstadt.
Individuelles Lauschen, kritisches Vergleichen, Abwägen, Testen -- neben der Verkaufsabsicht als Zweck einer solchen Messe immerhin denkbar -- waren unmöglich.
Denn da es sich in Düsseldorf nahezu ausschließlich um Apparate im Profi-Look drehte, begann zunächst der Kleinkrieg der Knöpfe, der Schalter, Hebel, Lämpchen und Blinker, deren Sinn sich vielleicht aus einer (nirgends ausliegenden) Gebrauchsanweisung erschlossen hätte, so aber, mit all den englischen Kürzeln, nur Gewieften oder Glückspilzen dämmerte.
Wer schließlich durch leichten Druck irgendeiner Sensortaste oder gefühlvolles Betätigen irgendwelcher Federdruckkontakte ein Kassetten-Deck mit Light Emitting Diods oder ein quarzgesteuertes Plattenlaufwerk mit vergoldeten Kontakten in Gang gesetzt hatte, vernahm nichts: Die Geräte liefen, wenn überhaupt, still vor sich hin. Wohl in Sorge, ihre klangsüchtige Kundschaft könnte die Finger nicht bei sich halten und das Spiel-Zeug in ihren Plastiktüten mitgehen lassen, hatten die Firmen erst gar kein Abhörmaterial bereitgestellt.
So mußte der Interessent denn auch auf enen so simplen Versuch verzichten, ob die Minderung der Gleichlaufschwankungen ihm die wiedergabetechnisch immer noch problematischen Klaviertöne etwa im ersten Satz der "Mondscheinsonate" nun endlich jaulfrei ins Wohnzimmer trägt.
Während die rat- und plattenlose Mehrheit der Besucher schließlich meist mißvergnügt die UKW-Skala der blitzenden Tuner absuchte, kramten die Gläubigsten der HiFi-Gemeinde in ihren Plastiktüten und entnahmen diesen eine Tonkonserve, die sie vorsorglich von daheim mitgebracht hatten.
Found via hifi-forum
Music Furniture| AMP
"AMP is a universal active speaker for Ipod or laptops. Active speakers don’t need an external amplifier as the amplification happens inside. So all you need to do, is hook it up to a music source and you’re set. The AMP refers to the time before transistor radios. At the time, radios looked like giant pieces of furniture, as it took a lot of space to put all the technology needed. Nowadays, because of innovations like the transistor, music equipment has become something that is sold as boxes meant to be hidden. The AMP however doesn’t hide its true nature.
The AMP is equipped with a mosfet amplifier and a 3-way speaker cone-set. The audio jack ensures the freedom to connect any portable music device whatsoever."
Design: Pieter Maes
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"AMP is a universal active speaker for Ipod or laptops. Active speakers don’t need an external amplifier as the amplification happens inside. So all you need to do, is hook it up to a music source and you’re set. The AMP refers to the time before transistor radios. At the time, radios looked like giant pieces of furniture, as it took a lot of space to put all the technology needed. Nowadays, because of innovations like the transistor, music equipment has become something that is sold as boxes meant to be hidden. The AMP however doesn’t hide its true nature.
The AMP is equipped with a mosfet amplifier and a 3-way speaker cone-set. The audio jack ensures the freedom to connect any portable music device whatsoever."
Design: Pieter Maes
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Cymatics| Ferrocornstarchandotherbubblingfluids
Old but still interessting: The Cornstarch & Ferrofluid Projects
Ferrofluid Source :
Old but still interessting: The Cornstarch & Ferrofluid Projects
Ferrofluid Source :
Merry Xmas to all !
Found at soundseller blog
Found at soundseller blog
Cymatics| Ted talk about cymatics with Ewan Grand
Thanks to soundseller
Thanks to soundseller
Music Furniture| The Boom Bench
Boom Bench”. “In order to boost the capacity the Boom Bench features eight 60-watt co-axial speakers and two subwoofers that can be accessed through Bluetooth. The Boom Bench in a way is a super-sized Docking Station. Connect your player to the amplifier and take control. Now you can play your music with 95 dB high quality sound. A Bass Shaker in the seat transforms the deep sounds into vibrations that enhance the physical sensation of your tunes.”
Design: Michael Schoner
boombench of michael schoner on Vimeo.
Boom Bench”. “In order to boost the capacity the Boom Bench features eight 60-watt co-axial speakers and two subwoofers that can be accessed through Bluetooth. The Boom Bench in a way is a super-sized Docking Station. Connect your player to the amplifier and take control. Now you can play your music with 95 dB high quality sound. A Bass Shaker in the seat transforms the deep sounds into vibrations that enhance the physical sensation of your tunes.”
Design: Michael Schoner
Acoustic Panels| "Designer Edition" by Offect
Offecct AB of Sweden offers a range of rather strange shaped acoustic panels designed by Teppo Asikainen, Karim Rashid and others. The five variations are made of moulded polyester fibre or PET-plastic and have various sound reduction properties. Below are three of the variations described in the same follow up as the photos. Dimensions of all panels are 58,5x58,5 cm.
The Scrunch panels are designed to be used as lightweight sound absorbers in the upper frequency range [500 Hz and above]. They are well suited to eliminate disturbing reflections of environmental voice sounds, telephones and computer disk drives etc. They can also be used to improve privacy in an open work area such as a modern office space or a restaurant. Available in grey, anthracite and off-white.
The Swell panels are also designed to be used as lightweight sound absorbers in the upper frequency range [500 Hz and above]. They are well suited to eliminate disturbing reflections of environmental voice sounds, telephones and computer disk drives etc. They can also be used to improve privacy in an open work area such as a modern office space or a restaurant. Available in grey, anthracite and off-white. Other colours are on request.
The Luna panel is a specially designed Class A broadband absorber with extended efficiency in the low frequency range [150 Hz - 500 Hz]. This panel is very efficient in reducing disturbing background noise. Available in grey.
The Diffuser panel provides not sound absorption but sound diffusion. Placed in the proper position, it will improve speech intelligibility and even improve privacy in open spaces. Unlike the other panels, the Diffuser is made of PET-plastic and available in semi-transparent white.
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Offecct AB of Sweden offers a range of rather strange shaped acoustic panels designed by Teppo Asikainen, Karim Rashid and others. The five variations are made of moulded polyester fibre or PET-plastic and have various sound reduction properties. Below are three of the variations described in the same follow up as the photos. Dimensions of all panels are 58,5x58,5 cm.
The Scrunch panels are designed to be used as lightweight sound absorbers in the upper frequency range [500 Hz and above]. They are well suited to eliminate disturbing reflections of environmental voice sounds, telephones and computer disk drives etc. They can also be used to improve privacy in an open work area such as a modern office space or a restaurant. Available in grey, anthracite and off-white.
The Swell panels are also designed to be used as lightweight sound absorbers in the upper frequency range [500 Hz and above]. They are well suited to eliminate disturbing reflections of environmental voice sounds, telephones and computer disk drives etc. They can also be used to improve privacy in an open work area such as a modern office space or a restaurant. Available in grey, anthracite and off-white. Other colours are on request.
The Luna panel is a specially designed Class A broadband absorber with extended efficiency in the low frequency range [150 Hz - 500 Hz]. This panel is very efficient in reducing disturbing background noise. Available in grey.
The Diffuser panel provides not sound absorption but sound diffusion. Placed in the proper position, it will improve speech intelligibility and even improve privacy in open spaces. Unlike the other panels, the Diffuser is made of PET-plastic and available in semi-transparent white.
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Material| Echo Panel
EchoPanel is produced from recycled and recyclable PET (approximately 60% post consumer waste sourced from recycled PET). It is manufactured in a way that no waste is created. Source fibre that is not transformed into useful product is collected and re-used i.e. post industrial recycling.
There are 2 standard sizes. 12mmx2400mmx1200mm and 7mmx2700mmx1200mm. There is also a tile system available in boxes of 10 x 7mmx500mmx500mm. The material can be fixed by nail, screw or glue.
It is a finished design surface in itself and it is engineered for floor to ceiling wall installations to suit standard wall dimensions. EchoPanel is an ideal base to print on.
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EchoPanel is produced from recycled and recyclable PET (approximately 60% post consumer waste sourced from recycled PET). It is manufactured in a way that no waste is created. Source fibre that is not transformed into useful product is collected and re-used i.e. post industrial recycling.
There are 2 standard sizes. 12mmx2400mmx1200mm and 7mmx2700mmx1200mm. There is also a tile system available in boxes of 10 x 7mmx500mmx500mm. The material can be fixed by nail, screw or glue.
It is a finished design surface in itself and it is engineered for floor to ceiling wall installations to suit standard wall dimensions. EchoPanel is an ideal base to print on.
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Material| Cullus PU Yarn
"Cullus is a scientifically developed material and works on a principle that is equally simple and genial: just like a carton of eggs, its surface ”tricks the sound” - diffusing it and further enhancing the natural absorption properties of the material itself. Cullus is knitted material made of Trevira CS, a flame-retardant polyester yarn. It is flexible and is developed to work well with common building materials such as concrete, stone, iron, glass and wooden materials."
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"Cullus is a scientifically developed material and works on a principle that is equally simple and genial: just like a carton of eggs, its surface ”tricks the sound” - diffusing it and further enhancing the natural absorption properties of the material itself. Cullus is knitted material made of Trevira CS, a flame-retardant polyester yarn. It is flexible and is developed to work well with common building materials such as concrete, stone, iron, glass and wooden materials."
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Acoustics| Military soundcontrol
Project for the US Embassy Baghdad, Iraq
Eric Rothfeder
Featured in Bidoun Issue #12: Projects
During the construction of the US Embassy in Moscow, American intelligence discovered a complex system of listening devices placed within the building's concrete structure by their Soviet counterparts. After numerous, unsuccessful attempts to neutralize this threat, it was decided that the building remain unfinished. Construction was only resumed after the collapse of the Soviet Union. This nearly forgotten history suggests that the embassy, like the concert hall, is an architectural acoustic instrument. Its "performance" is determined by the control and regulation of sound.
The soundscape of the typical embassy is characterized by the restriction of sound through the use of insulating walls, ceilings and floors. In this highly regulated environment there is little opportunity to experience sound that is uncontrolled or accidental. It is ironic that in the embassy, the architectural interface between two countries, the aural experience is defined by isolation and separation.
This US Embassy in Iraq radically rethinks the acoustic conditions of its design and program. Highly classified and restricted rooms are placed next to the embassy's most open and public spaces. But no wall is silent. Every surface filters, leaks, transmits and distorts sound. Ventilation ducts are "poorly" designed so that they transport sound from one space to another. A diplomat can hear the unfiltered noise of the public even in the most restricted office, while the public can eavesdrop on the most private political conversations. The visual character of this building remains undetermined. Rather, the architecture of the embassy provides an aural experience of transparency between guest country and host country.
Project for the US Embassy Baghdad, Iraq
Eric Rothfeder
Featured in Bidoun Issue #12: Projects
During the construction of the US Embassy in Moscow, American intelligence discovered a complex system of listening devices placed within the building's concrete structure by their Soviet counterparts. After numerous, unsuccessful attempts to neutralize this threat, it was decided that the building remain unfinished. Construction was only resumed after the collapse of the Soviet Union. This nearly forgotten history suggests that the embassy, like the concert hall, is an architectural acoustic instrument. Its "performance" is determined by the control and regulation of sound.
The soundscape of the typical embassy is characterized by the restriction of sound through the use of insulating walls, ceilings and floors. In this highly regulated environment there is little opportunity to experience sound that is uncontrolled or accidental. It is ironic that in the embassy, the architectural interface between two countries, the aural experience is defined by isolation and separation.
This US Embassy in Iraq radically rethinks the acoustic conditions of its design and program. Highly classified and restricted rooms are placed next to the embassy's most open and public spaces. But no wall is silent. Every surface filters, leaks, transmits and distorts sound. Ventilation ducts are "poorly" designed so that they transport sound from one space to another. A diplomat can hear the unfiltered noise of the public even in the most restricted office, while the public can eavesdrop on the most private political conversations. The visual character of this building remains undetermined. Rather, the architecture of the embassy provides an aural experience of transparency between guest country and host country.
Acoustic Furniture| Acoustic Panels
Acoustic Furniture| Noise Absorbing Bookshelf
"Designed by Permafrost and Katharina Styren, Røys is a multifunctional piece of home furniture that could be a smart storage unit for your books and a sound absorbing room divider too!
"What’s different? The acoustic shelf system from Hov furniture industry is an innovative rack system with multifaceted flexible modules. It’s a modular bookshelf and a sound absorbing room divider that lets you enjoy your favorite program or music aloud without disturbing your family member on the other side. Set on a slight angle, the shelving provides much visual interest by displaying books on the diagonal.
"Designed by Permafrost and Katharina Styren, Røys is a multifunctional piece of home furniture that could be a smart storage unit for your books and a sound absorbing room divider too!
"What’s different? The acoustic shelf system from Hov furniture industry is an innovative rack system with multifaceted flexible modules. It’s a modular bookshelf and a sound absorbing room divider that lets you enjoy your favorite program or music aloud without disturbing your family member on the other side. Set on a slight angle, the shelving provides much visual interest by displaying books on the diagonal.
Cymatics| The Chladni Files
Exquisite patterns emerge from salt scattered on a metal plate which is stroked with a bass fiddle bow, illustrating two dimensional vibration. A video camera will enlarge the patterns for the class to see in the Knudsen lecture halls.
Chladni patterns published by John Tyndall in 1869.
Chladni patterns can also be formed by using circular or rectangular metal plates on a mechanical driver controlled by a signal generator. This method avoids having to practice your bowing. The patterns are now different since they have antinodes at the center (which is being vibrated) rather than nodes with the center rigidly attached and the edge bowed.
Exquisite patterns emerge from salt scattered on a metal plate which is stroked with a bass fiddle bow, illustrating two dimensional vibration. A video camera will enlarge the patterns for the class to see in the Knudsen lecture halls.
Chladni patterns published by John Tyndall in 1869.
Chladni patterns can also be formed by using circular or rectangular metal plates on a mechanical driver controlled by a signal generator. This method avoids having to practice your bowing. The patterns are now different since they have antinodes at the center (which is being vibrated) rather than nodes with the center rigidly attached and the edge bowed.
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